
Dr. 凯文斯奈德,校长,介绍角CON事件的愿景与会者

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校校长凯文·斯奈德介绍了2018年角落大会的愿景. 该活动旨在创造和建立创新和创业意识(1)&E), 通过协作思维吸引参与者 and begin to articulate action steps the campus will take to integrate I&E on and off campus so that students are prepared with skills necessary for the jobs and opportunities of the future. Corner CON在校园创业中心角落里举行.

来源:Corinne Coulson

宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — With the December 2017 opening of 角落里 企业家ial center in downtown 新肯辛顿, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 has already seen how 企业家ship and innovation can spark positivity and harness energy for the community. 校园, 由凯文·斯奈德校长领导, 现在正致力于将这种火花传播得更远.

探讨创新创业如何不单惠及社会, 也包括校园里现在的学生和未来的学生以及利益相关者, 斯奈德想收集教职员工的意见.

“这个创新的世界为学习提供了巨大的机会, 教学与发现,斯奈德说。. “It has also alerted us to the fact that the skill sets that our students will need to thrive in the near future and over the course of their careers are changing. 我们需要了解我们的教职员工对我们如何使用的看法 角落里这是我们创新的大门,是我们进入这个世界的大门. We also wanted to hear what they are feeling and seeing and thinking about in terms of innovation and how we can make this a larger part of our culture.”

斯奈德一直致力于与工业界合作, 与产业直接相关的学校和政府.0的概念, which is founded upon 创新创业 and related skill sets in the realm of workforce development.

“新工业时代已经在改变工作, 职业道路和工作环境,斯奈德说。. “Graduates will have to possess additional knowledge bases and skill sets to succeed in the future. Our graduates will constantly be adapting to new positions in new companies requiring new skills. 行业4.我们也在提高这些变化发生的速度和频率.” 


“从社会工作到医学, 小企业教育, 还有很多介于两者之间, 我们的毕业生将有不可思议的工具应用到他们的工作中,他们必须知道,斯奈德说。. “We have already heard that there is a need across disciplines for people who can analyze big data sets, 但他们也必须知道人工智能是如何, 机器人和物联网是相连的,是一个更大系统的一部分.”

While some may assume or believe that these concepts only relate to certain fields such as engineering and technology, 斯奈德强调,它们将影响所有领域. 

“我们已经具备了文科的关键要素,比如批判性思维, 解决问题, 沟通与社会意识,斯奈德说。. “We will need to help students learn to apply these skills in the changing environment that is being hastened by technology and innovation. 这就是为什么理解和学习创新思维, 就像我们定义的那样, 很重要吗?.”

收集校园社区对这些概念的意见, 斯奈德不想做调查,也不想主持讨论会. 知道创新思维孕育创新, a hackathon-style event was created so that 教职员工 could put their own innovative mindsets to work.

首届“角落大会”于2月11日举行. 21 and 23 was a conference to prepare for future success at the 新肯辛顿 campus through inclusive collaboration and ideation. 会议将校园社区的成员聚集在一起 角落里,是校园创业中心之一 21个免费mg不朽情缘试玩创新中心 整个英联邦.

由Babs carrier促成, 教育家, 企业家, 作家兼顾问, 和斯蒂芬·伦纳德一起, Arconic的高级创新主管, “Corner CON” featured brief ideation and brainstorming sessions related to 创新创业, connecting the campus to 角落里 and fostering a culture of innovation for the students and campus community.

斯奈德说:“第一天非常好,但第二天简直令人难以置信. “在会议结束时, faculty were talking and engaging and excited about the possibilities they saw for increasing opportunities for students. 教师们互相讨论如何进行跨学科合作. 工作人员 and faculty were discussing how various functions across the campus contribute to student success. At the end of the second day it was clear we have a core of folks who are motivated and excited about moving our campus forward and doing it in a way that fosters innovation.”  

斯奈德继续说道:“我想让他们了解工业4.以及这对我们所有人的影响, but particularly on the skills our students will need to be successful in an era when change to their jobs and society will be fast and far-reaching. 有几个人对此持怀疑态度, 他们问了一些很好的问题,帮助我们完善了思考. 那里的每个人都把学生的利益放在心上. Knowing that we need to think a bit differently to be able to further student interests and begin working on how was what I hoped we would get from the event, 我们做到了.” 

除了为规划和创建校园创新行动团队奠定基础之外, 该活动突出了校园在角落的资产, 哪一个是第一轮种子基金的受助人 创建免费mg不朽情缘试玩倡议.

斯奈德说:“在这一努力中,角落已经成为关键的参与者。. “这是我们与创新环境以及已经存在的环境的联系. 我们将能够连接学生, 教职员工, 以及社区成员, 面对创新机遇. The 企业家ial training we will be able to offer all campus and community members will give everyone who wants it an opportunity to take an idea and move it through the process of becoming a business or product. 虽然大多数人都会失败, 那些尝试和学习的人将获得宝贵的经验, 为未来的劳动力做好准备的知识和技能.”

It’s the skills taught and learned through 创新创业 by the campus that Snider hopes students will benefit from.

斯奈德说:“有些人认为,创新思维就是要培养企业家. "No, it is about creating graduates who will be able to find good jobs and adapt across their career because they possess the skills needed for the next era.”

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