

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿和新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂, a collaborative effort 之间的 campus and the Economic Growth Connection of Westmoreland, 会用1美元吗.5 million grant from the Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC) initiative to create workforce education and reskilling programs targeting southwestern 宾西法尼亚. 

来源:R3A Architecture

宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校’s 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂 has been named one of four new Smart Manufacturing Innovation Centers (SMICs) by the U.S. 美国能源部(DOE)与 CESMII ——智能制造研究院. 这些新成员使中芯国际的数量达到7家. 中芯国际是独立的, 创新, value-driven centers that further CESMII’s mission in a hands-on and learning-centric way.

“智能制造提高了美国制造业的生产力, 节能高效,在全球范围内具有竞争力,凯利·斯皮克曼说, 主管能源效率和可再生能源的助理部长, 在 8月. 2021年宣布. “DOE’s investments in Smart Manufacturing will accelerate the adoption of these technologies and processes, 同时为未来发展高技能的制造业劳动力.”

新肯辛顿校区 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂预计将于2022年春季开放. The mission of the Digital Foundry is to drive learning and problem solving through the application of technologies by focusing on education and workforce training; improving manufacturing competitiveness through technology demonstration and assessment projects; and providing networking events to increase digital awareness for workers, 企业, 学术界, 学生与社会.

CESMII团队, 就像Digital Foundry团队一样, is coming at their mission around smart manufacturing from the perspective of team members who have lived through the challenges and benefits of implementing these technologies in real-world manufacturing environments,雪莉·麦克利里解释道, 他是新肯辛顿数字铸造厂的执行董事. “We share a common mission to leverage smart manufacturing to bring business value to manufacturers of all sizes, and we also speak a common language around the technology and value and believe this will be a very positive relationship focused on results.”

根据 公告, 中小微企业网络, 包括新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂, will “allow manufacturers of varying sizes to tap into CESMII’s vast Smart Manufacturing (SM) resources and cultivate the manufacturing workforce of the future.” The focus on workforce development is one that mirrors the goals of the Foundry.

“作为中芯国际, the Digital Foundry will house access to the CESMII Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (SMIP),麦克利里说. “SMIP将成为CESMII带来智能制造解决方案的基石, 可访问的学习和应用程序, affordable and allow manufacturers to implement smart manufacturing by learning from the use cases, technologies and tools already developed across CESMII’s national network of members and other SMICs.”

The SMIC endorsement is the latest in CESMII-related partnerships 之间的 organization and 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. 2018年,校园是 仅有的10个项目之一 与美国的智能制造计划有关. 新肯辛顿领导的项目被称为4号工厂.0工具包, 是由Joseph Cuiffi管理的, assistant teaching professor and program coordinator of electro-mechanical engineering technology. 该工具包被用于CESMII的第一个认可的劳动力证书培训, 数字化制造专家,,由新肯辛顿校区和数字铸造厂于2021年举办.

“中芯国际的数字代工令人兴奋, 但实际混合创新的新方法, purpose-built to enable small and mid-sized manufacturers (SMMs) to leverage Smart Manufacturing,霍华德·戈德堡说, CESMII的首席运营官. “这家中芯国际拥有设备齐全的工厂, 领域专家, 当代SM技术旨在降低成本和复杂性, 以及让他们团结在一起的训练! 中芯国际对smm的关注对CESMII具有重要的战略意义, 考虑到中小企业占全国制造业基地的99%以上.”  

“We will continue to build on these trainings and opportunities to enhance and add to the offering endorsed by CESMII to prepare the manufacturing workforce at all levels for digital smart manufacturing transformation,麦克利里补充道.

新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂建立在一个 $5.理查德·金·梅隆基金会的500万奖金, 这有助于降低设施建设成本, 以及对编程计划的投资, 包括与中芯国际指定有关的事项. The lab is a collaborative effort 之间的 Economic Growth Connection of Westmoreland and the 新肯辛顿 campus, with support and advisement from the Westmoreland County Industrial Development Corporation (WCIDC) and a priority project identified 在 Westmoreland County 综合计划-重新构想我们的威斯特摩兰. 它目前正在沿着城市的创新走廊建设, 第五大道的五个街区. 之间的 校园创新中心The Corner以及新肯辛顿的威斯特摩兰县社区学院. 除了基金会的支持, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩也提供了100万美元的配套礼物, which will help create an endowment for ongoing operating support of the facility, 通过经济发展配套计划, 它当前运动的一个创举, “为21世纪的卓越成就打造更伟大的免费mg不朽情缘试玩.”


CESMII 美国国家智能制造研究所是什么, driving cultural and technological transformation and secure industrial technologies as national imperatives. By enabling frictionless movement of information–raw and contextualized data – between real-time Operations and the people and systems that create value in and across Manufacturing organizations, CESMII is impacting manufacturing performance through measurable improvements in areas such as: quality, 吞吐量, 成本/利润, 安全, 资产可靠性和能源生产率. 成立于2016年, in partnership with Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), CESMII是EERE先进制造办公室资助的第三个研究所. CESMII’s program and administrative home is with the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).  访问 http://www.cesmii.org/ 了解更多信息.


新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂, 目前正在新肯辛顿第五大道修建, 宾西法尼亚, 将是15,044-square-foot innovation and manufacturing lab space aimed at building future-ready awareness and skill sets for the manufacturing industry, K-16教育部门, 目前和未来的劳动力和社区成员在宾夕法尼亚州西南部. A collaborative effort between 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 and the Economic Growth Connection of Westmoreland, 铸造厂的使命是推动思想的发展, 通过应用数字技术学习和解决问题. 保持最新的数字铸造厂在 DigitalFoundryNK.com.


免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 is one of 24 campuses that comprise the 宾西法尼亚 State University. 距离匹兹堡市仅17英里, 校园坐落在72英亩的树木繁茂的上伯勒尔, 宾西法尼亚, 从阿勒格尼的任何地方都可以轻松到达, 阿姆斯特朗, 巴特勒, 印第安纳和威斯特摩兰县. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校提供11个学士学位和4个副学士学位, as well as the first two years of almost all of Penn State’s 275+ majors through the 大学的2+2计划. The campus continues to fulfill the University’s land grant mission through its ongoing efforts 在 city of 新肯辛顿 to drive economic development, revitalization and to prepare the Rust Belt region for the next industrial revolution. 请访问免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校网站了解更多信息.  
